Does The Pope Care About Profits

OR: The ruthless business side of the Roman Catholic Church

I was asked this question, “Do you think the Pope cares about profits?”

The first place to look is what entity is the largest landowner on the planet. The number one listed is the Roman Catholic Church with 70 million hectares¹. To put that into perspective, if it were all contiguous it would be about the size of France. Some of their properties are in the most expensive locations around the world.

The second place to look is the Vatican Bank which has assets of $5.5 Billion. It made a profit of $31.6 Million in the year 20². It’s not as big as the four largest banks, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, or Citigroup; but over the years it has been the source of more than its lions share of corruption and mismanagement.

Next let’s look at the 12th and 13th century’s Inquisitions performed by the Roman Catholic Church. These were pogroms against other sects of Christianity in Europe or in other words they were established in response to movements considered apostate or heretical to Roman Catholicism. Many of these sects held assets and religious relics that the Roman Church wanted. These were extremely brutal in nature and were not the altruistic to convert non-Christians. They wanted to eliminate all competition and to steal their wealth. They fought hard against the Renaissance led by the de Medici and Borgia families, who wanted to bring enlightenment and education to the masses. The Roman Catholic Church wanted to control not only the message, but how the message was interpreted; therefore, The Church demonized those people who opposed them and their teachings.

This Old Man must admit Pope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has done quite a bit to address the scandals and corruption surrounding the Vatican Bank. With that said, there is a long way to go for Vatican City to become something God would be proud to be associated with.

There is still the question of the Vatican Archives, which is said to hold thousands of religious relics, artifacts and texts pertaining to the first Christians and the Lost Gospels written by the Apostles and Disciples of Yeshuah David. It all needs to be made public for the World to not only see but to study.

I am a subscriber to the message of the First Christians; these are the Jews who followed Yeshuah and were either force or chose to leave Israel due to persecution. I do not doubt for a heartbeat the divinity of Yeshuah David, but I believe that the Roman Catholic Church sold the world a bill of goods. First, it wasn’t the mission or ministry of Yeshuah to form a new religion. The refusal the Jewish leaders to listen to his message caused the schism to happen. For the message of Yeshuah to survive, a new religion was inevitable. Did Yeshuah come to earth to experience life as a man and to minister to mankind? The answer is a simple yes. Did Yeshuah advance the idea of the divine feminine? Again, the answer is a simple yes. Lastly, did Yeshuah experience all the joy, pain, and tragedy of being a man? The answer must be yes, or he would not have been honest with his followers. If the last question is a yes, then he would have been married, too. That is supported by Yeshuah was accepted as a teacher of the Jewish faith. Yeshuah was a Rabbi. At the time of Christ, a man was required to be married to be considered a teacher and a Rabbi.

What else has the Roman Catholic Church hidden from the world?

1:  One More Hectare –

2: The National Catholic Reporter –,and%20employees%2C%20and%20Catholic%20clergy.

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Freedom Is Having God In Your Heart And Soul

OR: How through the Power of Prayer we can Keep America Great

How is your relationship with your God and with Yeshuah? For this Old Man, he lives in my heart and in my soul. When the path gets dark, He is my light. When the path is fraught with dangers, He is my guide. When I lead others (with my words) He is my strength.

It is the year of our Lord 2022. We are living in dark and dangerous times. As never before in the history of the United States of America, we need Him in our lives. When we are born of God the Father and God the Mother, we are each given a mission. No two are identical. In addition, we make a promise to God to fulfill that mission on earth.

My mission is to use words to glorify God in Heaven through my Eldest Brother and my Lord, Yeshuah. What is your mission?

If you do not know what it is, then it is time to kneel down (you can sit if you are old like me and have trouble getting back up from kneeling) and Meditate on the Lord’s Prayer, using the Six Petal Rose. This is how you talk to God through our brother and Lord Yeshuah.

You say you don’t know how to use the Six Petal Rose? Take a look at my previous essays. I will recap it here in brief. But please take the time to study my previous teachings:

Our Father who lives in Heaven, Hallowed be your name – We are acknowledging who is in charge and that we honor and revere our God – When one reaches out to God our Father (the Provider) for help, it is only right that we acknowledge his authority – I love the word “Hallowed” – It has so much depth and meaning is far more powerful than the word ‘honor’ it makes the honor sacred

Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven – You acknowledge your promise to make heaven on earth as God made it in heaven. We all envision a greatness and grandeur in heaven – You acknowledge your second promise to God, that we will complete the mission He sent us on and to obey his commands, just as if we lived in heaven

Give today our daily sustenance – This is the part that most of us forget to do. Let’s put in terms everyone can understand, One has to eat before one exercises or they will be unable to finish what they started. Sustenance means more than food – One not only has to feed on food for the energy needed to fulfill our mission, one must have food for the mind and food for the soul as well. So feed the mind by studying history, and the Old Testament, so you don’t repeat the failures of the past – Feed the soul by inviting Yesuah to live in your heart and in your soul; then read all of the gospels (not just the ones Constantine put in the Holy Bible).

Forgive us our transgressions, as we forgive those who do wrong against us – We must forgive our own transgressions against God and Man, before we can forgive others who transgress against us. We have to come clean before God before we and request forgiveness for others. Once we have asked God to forgive our enemies, we can now ask God for what we need and want. Remember, we cannot fool God our Father, as he already knows what we need and what we desire before we start to pray.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever – As we begin to leave, we need to ask Our Lord to protect us and guide us through our life and to become That Light On A Hill to show the way for others to follow. We do this because we know God has the final authority and the power to follow up on that authority – Peace through Strength and it our way to tell God that all is for naught without His presence.

Amen – So May It Be

Like I said earlier, we are living in Dark Times. The freedom of God’s people is being tested on a daily basis. The agents of evil are waging a desperate war against us. The one’s who practice evil are being put in positions of power. The governments of the world are governing by deceit, lies, crimes against humanity.

God promised that our path would not be easy and would be fraught with many dangers and mine fields. It is imperative upon us to let Yeshuah live in our heart and in our soul if we are to bring Heaven on Earth.

God loves us unconditionally. Most parents love their children unconditionally, too. Why should we do less than God? We cannot just tell those who we are trying to lead, we need to show them. We need to be God’s Light on Earth. We need to make God’s People Free – free from terrorism, free from tyranny, free from oppression, free to worship God in the manner of our choosing, free from harassment for worshipping God in the fashion most befitting to ourselves, free to express ourselves, free to tell the Truth.

This is how we will Keep America Great and that Shining Candle On The Hill.

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Twin Towers On The Hill

OR: An open letter to my Lord, Yeshuah of the House of David

In the name of God – the divine marriage of El and Asherah, our parents in Heaven – The Son – you my elder brother who now lives in Heaven – and the Holy Spirit – the divine feminine represented by your beautiful bride, Mary of Magdala of the House of Benjamin, I humbly write this letter to you. Before I begin my thoughts, I wish to pray and ask if I can use my familiar name for you, Easa.

 Our Father who lives in Heaven,

Venerated is your name.

Your Kingdom comes,

Your Word will be done,

Today on Earth as it lives in Heaven

Today give sustenance both word and mind,

Forgive my sins and transgressions,

Forgive those who

Sin against us.

Lead me on Your path of Righteousness,

Guide me so I do not stray,

Yours is the One True Kingdom

You are my power and my glory

Forever through the end of time,


First let me thank you for giving me the gift of writing and of words as a form of communication. Thank you for letting me put the prayer you gave for all time into my own words. Thank you, for opening your heart and the doors to our Parents, the One True God, home. I most surely love my time visiting with them. I recognize that the entirety of my life is but a day to you and my Divine sister-in-law.

I want you to know that you are the rock upon which I built the foundation of my temple honoring Our God in Heaven. Thank you for being there for me in my younger years and for lending me the material from which my temple is built. From the day you gave me the book by Terence Hanbury “Tim” (TH) White, The Once and Future King, the book that set me on your path and led me on my lifelong quest to find the Holy Grail. Which in turn led me to find the Holy Spirit, The Divine nurturer – the Divine Feminine. For it was through your teachings that I learned that we all must have balance in our lives, or we will not be able to stay your path throughout our lifetime.

It is in your honor that I learned as a child to form the clay that I would lay upon your rock the foundation of my temple to honor you and Our One True God. I know that I have strayed from your divine path on many occasions. It is to your honor that you kept throwing me a lifeline and a safe trail to return. Now in the winter of my life, I come to realize that it was you who allowed me to stray.

The freedom you allowed me, let me witness the beauty and the power of Our One True God. Earth is that shining blue marble that our Father in Heaven keeps his eye upon. You let me see the beauty as well as the dangers that surround the path laid out before me. It is but by your strength that I did not tarry along the way for too long.

It is from that beauty you let me see that I have decorated and lit the temple to Our One True God. It is from those dangers, you allowed me to witness, that I have built the strength of the temple to withstand the tempests that constantly besiege us on Earth.

Easa, it is through your strength and the divine nurturing by your bride, Mary that I found my twin, mirrored soul on Earth. Her temple is the balance, the divine feminine in my life. Thank you for showing me how to join our two temples on the Hill to shine Your Light more brightly and with such strength to ward off the wolves at the door who are bent on destroying that connection. It is through Your Strength and Mary’s divine nurturing that has gotten us through the last forty-seven years. Thank you both.

Thank you for the two children you gave us. Both have been both a blessing and a bane. The blessing is they are both competent and successful human beings, with great families of their own. They have built their own temples, but have yet to dedicate them to you. That time will come. It is through the autumn of our years that you have let us honor your name in the presence of our grandchildren. It is by example that we have taught them and loved them unconditionally as you have loved us.

Now that we are entering the winter of our years, I feel the clay is beginning to loosen. It is still firm and will last. For how long is up to our Parents. But it trembles as I humbly maintain the strength for my twin temple, which is faltering from a catastrophic injury caused by one of the constant tempests. She fell. Through your divine strength and the nurturing of sister Mary that, she was able to weather that storm. I pray that you give me Your strength to keep patching the damage done. Though, I fear it is but a losing cause, I am not going to abandon the temple that gives my half of the Twin Temple balance. I cry when I see that temple’s timbers cry out in pain. I cry when I see the corner stones tremble and let some of the clay bricks tumble. It is through you that I repair what I can when that happens. I know all I can do is add bandages and hold it together with bubble gum and baling wire.

That is a testimony to your guidance and strength that our Twin Temples have lasted through the years. It will be through your guidance and strength, Easa that we shall hold it together until such a time that our parents need us to come home. It will be through the nurturing of Mary that though my Twin Temples lights begin to dim, that we shall keep them shining brightly on that Hill in Honor of Your Name and in honor of Our One True God.

Give our Love to Father and Mother.

Humbly I sign this as An Old Man With A Pen.

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OR: How we have weakened what is meant by prayer over the Millenia.

Each of us has to decide the content and extent of prayer. Everyone has different needs and desires. Then we have to decide to whom do we pray. Anyone who says or tells you they do not have a God or gods is lying to you. Everyone has a God. For some, their God is the Judeo-Christian God. For others it is their ancestors, a different deity. Yet, for others it may by money or status. Then you have the few who claim to be atheist and their God is themselves, sad but true.

I am going to focus on Christian Prayer for this treatise. I was a member of two different sects of Christianity in my life, Episcopalian and Lutheran. In the modern day Christian Church, I have come to believe that prayer is simply asking for something from God. The perplexing thing if  you ask most of them the question, “Who is God, and how do you describe your God?” the majority of them would be perplexed or just unable to answer it in their own words and ideas. Again, that is sad but true.

As for me, God is the marriage of El and Asherah, the holy makers of the heavens, the earths and all matter of the universe, and my parents in heaven.

 That is a clear and straightforward answer. When I pray, I pray to both the Divine Male and the Divine Female. As my parents in heaven they deserve my respect and my honor. I may stray from their rule from time to time; but I never take for granted who they are and never lose my respect and honor for them. They are truly a blessing in my life. They are my rock and my anchor.

As a Christian, I constantly ask myself the same question my Brother and my Lord, Yeshuah David was asked, “Rabbi, how do we pray?”

Yeshuah’s answer was given clearly, straight forward and without hesitation:

“Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil that’s within the world. For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever.”  Amen.

You may ask yourself why there is no place for our specific wants and desires. The answer is quite simple; God, our parents in Heaven, already know very intimately what are wants and desires are.

The question I have for the modern churches, which purport to be Christian only take thirty seconds out of each service to say that prayer and it is said in unison, aloud? THAT IS RIGHT 30 SECONDS.

Think about for a minute – let it sink in. The Lord’s Prayer is so important to Yeshuah and his teachings, we spend thirty seconds, once a week to pray the prayer He gave us. As far as this Old Man is concerned that is the biggest sin to which we succumb.

Let’s get back to the origin of Christian Prayer. But before we do that we have to define what we mean by prayer.

  • Meriam Webster:
  • Definition of prayer (Entry 1 of 2)
  • 1a (1): an address (such as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought
  • said a prayer for the success of the voyage
  • (2): a set order of words used in praying
  • b: an earnest request or wish
  • 2: the act or practice of praying to God or a god
  • kneeling in prayer
  • 3: a religious service consisting chiefly of prayers —often used in plural
  • 4: something prayed for
  • 5: a slight chance

Pretty pathetic and will do us not good at all,

Prayer at the time of Yeshuah, Jesus if you prefer the modernization of his name, prayer wasn’t so simple. Let’s take a look at what prayer is historically speaking.

Yeshuah prayed for Himself and for others, and He prayed to commune with the Father. Yes we pray to the Divine Masculine, which is the reason we say our Father in heaven. We do that because at the time of Yeshuah, when we need intercession, we ask the provider of the family. When we hurt we ask for nurturing from the Divine Feminine or the one who gave us birth.

John 17 is a great place to see Yeshuah’s use of prayer. He not only prays that the Father be glorified but also prays for His disciples and “for those who will believe in me through their message” (John 17:20).

Submitting to the Father’s will was another aspect to Yeshuah’s prayer life, highlighted in His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane: “Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39). With any request we have, we must submit to God’s will.

In addition to interceding for others, prayer is also a way to strengthen our relationship with God. Yeshuah set the example, as He prayed to the Father throughout His earthly ministry (Luke 6:12; Matthew 14:23). Those in relationships will naturally seek to communicate with each other, and prayer is our communication with God. Other good examples in the Bible of those who spent time in prayer are David, and Hezekiah.

Ultimately, the main purpose of prayer is worship. There we have it spelled out clearly for us by Yeshuah, PAYER IS WORSHIP!

When we pray to the Lord, recognizing Him for who He is and what He has done, it is an act of worship. There are many examples of prayer being an act of worship in the Bible, including 2 Kings 19:15, 1 Chronicles 17:20, Psalm 86:12–13, John 12:28, and Romans 11:33–36. How we pray should reflect this purpose; our focus should be on who God is, not on ourselves.

All this boils down to is that Payer is a time for inner reflection, and devotion to our family. You can’t just go up to your Heavenly Father or your Earthly Father and just slap him on the back and say that I need this, or I want that. Each would turn a deaf ear to that request in a heartbeat.

Prayer takes time. It takes thought, and most importantly it is to be taken seriously.

I hate to be the one to tell you 30 Seconds is not taking the Lord’s Prayer seriously.

Prayer is nothing less than meditation and reflection upon our relationship with God and ourselves. Take prayer seriously, even it is only ten minutes or forty minutes. We have to take the time to visit with our Heavenly Father, anything less than ten minutes is worthless.

So let’s revived prayer in its original meaning.

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New Testament Flaws

OR: Constantine’s Political Ambitions influenced which of the numerous Gospels and The Acts of Paul made the cut for the New Testament to the exclusion of other important Gospels.

The main reason I cannot attend modern day Christian Churches is they require one to swear to the validity of the Nicaean Creed or the final results coming out of the Council of Nicaea. I cannot in good conscience agree to those terms. For a long time I was blinded by “The Blind Faith” required to be a member of today’s Christian Churches.

How did the Council of Nicaea come into being? To answer that question, one has to study the history or Constantine. He was an ambitious Roman Emperor. In other words your consummate politician of his day. He was very astute and attuned to that which swayed the Roman Public. He was a political chameleon.

Constantine saw the rise and the coming power of the Christians. He wanted to solidify his power among the populace of Rome.      So what does he do? He switches affiliation from the Roman Gods to the One, the Christian God. To further solidify his political position, he called the leaders of the various Christian sects, who acknowledged the power of Rome to a conclave at the community, neutral ground for all, Nicaea. This council sat in judgement as to what was to be included in the New Testament and what was to be excluded.

Only four Gospels were allowed and then only those who had the approval of Constantine and created no controversy. Also to be included were the Letters of Paul. I have read those letters and am appalled they made the cut.

Paul was clearly a misogynist and subsequent follower of Yeshuah. Before is “Divine Intervention,” Paul was the Chief Prosecutor of Christians. In his letters, he warns churches to not let men and women worship together and that Children were not welcome.

Let’s look at what Yesuah actually said in Matthew Chapter 19 Verse 14, “But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Yeshuah’s ministry was a ministry of inclusion. It was a ministry of tearing down the false gods that infiltrated Jewish life in Palestine. It is well known and accepted that women were included in the ministry and that women were welcome to join in worship as individuals or as a part of a family. Everyone was accepted in his ministry, even lepers.

Does that sound like something the Letters of Paul openly supported? The answer, not in a million years!

The Council of Nicaea was a “political hack job” from start to end. The result of this council was the New Testament. This document was flawed from the very beginning. This was also the canonization of the Apostle Peter at the exclusion of the other Apostles and disciples of Yeshuah. In order to bring ALL Christian under one roof, a roof controlled entirely by Constantine.

Do I use the New Testament? Yes, because it contains important information and displays for all the world to see that even a simple ministry can become corrupt and bent to political means. I have a full and complete friendship with and relationship with Yeshuah and his lawful wife, Mary of Magdala. They come visiting me all the time. They lend me messages to pass on. They confirm what the Gospels who did not make the cut acclaim, that Mary of Magdala after fleeing to Egypt took not only the Cup of Christ, the Holy Grail to France, but the true ministry of Yeshuah with her.

That ministry was one of Love. A ministry based solely on the prayer Yeshuah gave us, The Holy Prayer. REMEMBER: that the original definition of prayer was a time for inner reflection and penance. What did Yesuah say about prayer? Jesus says, “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him” (Matt 6:8).

So ask yourself, why do we need all the trappings, all the rituals, and all the decorations? God does not care if I come in prayer wearing jeans and an old t shirt. God doesn’t care if I am sitting on a rock next to my favorite trout stream. God doesn’t care if my words are exact. And, God, like my earthly father, wants our relationship to be personal.

The final question only you can answer. Do you have a personal relationship with God?

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Do You Support A Lie Or The Truth?

OR: What will God’s punishment be for those who perpetuate lies using His name?

Every Christian I know supports the idea and thought that God directed every moment of the life of Yeshuah (Jesus). From the time he was conceived to the time he was laid in his tomb, the life of Yeshuah was planned out by God in advance for the benefit of Man. Did he set out to create another religion? The answer would be no. The mission of Yesuah was to improve the religion of Judaism. After all, wasn’t he a Jew and didn’t he preach as a Jew? No where in his sermons will you find words demanding Jews to flee their religion.

So why the big lie being perpetuated by the different sects of Christianity? This is going to be the discussion today.

You should know about my background before we get started.

From an early age I have been fascinated by the tales of the Holy Grail. Most English students associate this with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. When in actuality, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table came about as a result of the search for the Holy Grail.

In third grade I read a story by TH White, “The Once and Future King”. That began my love affair with the written and unwritten English Language. In college my declared major was English. My undeclared major was American Studies. As a result, I had minors in US History, Linguistics and Social Anthropology. Originally English was a Germanic Language. Old English has more in common with modern German than it does with modern English. The year 1066, William of Normandy conquered the England and solidified the unity of England from feudal princedoms. The English language did not become a written language until the 9th century. In order to really study the English Language one had to become familiar with Old English and the oral tradition of languages in general.

Every European, Celtic, and Anglo-Saxon country ended up with their own local heroes going on a quest in search of the Holy Grail. This included the Feudal King, Uther Pendragon and his son Uther II who became (more through the spelling and pronunciation) Arthur. It is easy to see how that happened. The family of Uther became the epitome of what was English. Wherever Rome either conquered or occupied the story of Christianity followed. This included the search for the Holy Grail.

Let’s investigate this thing called the Holy Grail.

Traditionally in modern history it is defined: The grail is most commonly identified as the cup that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper and that Joseph of Arimathea used to collect Jesus’s blood when he was crucified. All you have to do is Google “The Holy Grail”. This is from the History Channel’s website.

It is also universally accepted that Christ while hanging in crucifixion asked God to “take this cup from me.” So cup can be used to define that from which God feeds us. A cup is also defined as a vessel by which the blood of Christ was carried. Here is where it gets really interesting. In ancient times the blood of a man is carried through the mother of his children. In the Gospels, Mary Magdalene was noted as a companion of Yeshuah. In the Hebrew language at the time of Yeshuah, the word companion literally meant spouse. And, “he was often seen kissing his companion on the lips.”

Let’s look at another forgotten fact of life at the time Yeshuah walk around Israel preaching. Rabbis were teachers of God’s words. Yeshuah was a descendant of the House of David. That in and of itself should be an Ah-Ha moment. For most “Christians” it is not. The look at the fact that at that time in order to be called “Rabbi” or “Teacher of God’s Word” the man was required to be married. No one of that time period would have followed or attended sermons by a non-married man. When Yeshuah was young the Rabbi’s would have Yeshuah speak as one who speaks the truth of God, but he was not considered Rabbinical nor a teacher. He was just a youth who was touched by God.

Let’s look at another Lie that is being taught in the Churches today.

The moral ineptitude of Judas. Here is what Encyclopedia Britannica says about Judas:

Judas Iscariot, (died c. AD 30), one of the Twelve Apostles, notorious for betraying Jesus. Judas’ surname is more probably a corruption of the Latin sicarius (“murderer” or “assassin”) than an indication of family origin, suggesting that he would have belonged to the Sicarii, the most radical Jewish group, some of whom were terrorists. Other than his apostleship, his betrayal, and his death, little else is revealed about Judas in the Gospels. Always the last on the list of the Apostles, he was their treasurer. John 12:6 introduces Judas’ thievery by saying, “. . . as he had the money box he used to take what was put into it.”

This is what is being taught by our Christian Churches. I say this is a bunch of Hogwash. Didn’t I start out this treatise by reminding everyone that ALL Christians promote the idea that God planned for every aspect of the life of Yeshuah. Then why do the Churches demonize the Apostle Judas and why do they always assign a last name to Judas and not the other Apostles?

Something one has to know about our ancient ancestors is that none had surnames! Yes you heard me correctly, no one had surnames. A surname is a modern invention that came with industrialization. Only those of importance appeared to have surnames. Yeshuah was known as Yeshuah of Galilee. Mary of Magdala is known as Mary Magdalene; so why isn’t Yeshuah in modern language called Jesus Galilean? He is known as Jesus the Christ or more simply as Jesus.

Back to Judas. Judas was indeed the treasurer, a position of responsibility and trust. Judas was a practical man, who believed in the message of God as preached by Yeshuah. He like John were strong personalities. While Peter was one of the leaders, he was a fisherman and a fisher of men. Whereas Judas was more of your backroom accountant types. God told Yeshuah who among his followers would be the strongest to carry out the mission of betrayal. Yeshuah is the one who requested Judas to be the messenger. Yeshuah knew he had to suffer the capital punishment of the Romans in order to open the minds and the hearts of Jews of Israel.

He couldn’t betray himself, or that would have effectively killed his message as well as his life. The betrayal had to be from one of his most fervent followers. Otherwise the message would have been lost.

Let’s look at more the Churches fail to tell us. Joseph of Arimathea is the one who is purported to have brought the Holy Grail to Europe and the British Isles. What you are not being told at the same time was that Joseph of Arimathea was the uncle of Mary of Magdala. After the Crucifixion of Yeshuah, all the Apostles and followers of Yeshuah dispersed from Israel to other parts of the world. Most went into hiding because the Legions of Rome were hunting them.

Mary of Magdala is known to have fled to Egypt with her children and ultimately to southern France. It is known that Joseph of Arimathea was a tin merchant, who plied his trade throughout the Mediterranean region. Egypt was not a safe place to hide from Rome or Israel. It is also known that Joseph of Arimathea stowed away Mary and her children on one of this trips from Egypt to what was known as Gaul in an area that is now known as Marseilles, France. The mountains and terrain north of Marseilles was a perfect place for Mary and her children to hide and to preach the message of her late husband, Yeshuah.

Yeshuah preached that we could speak to God through prayer. Ah, there is an interesting word that no longer has its original meaning. Here is the modern definition:




1 – a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.

“I’ll say a prayer for him”






2 – a religious service, especially a regular one, at which people gather in order to pray together.

“500 people were detained as they attended Friday prayers”

3 – an earnest hope or wish.

“it is our prayer that the current progress on human rights will be sustained”

When Yeshuah was asked, “How do we pray?” He gave us what we now call The Lord’s Prayer. At the time of Yeshuah what did the word prayer actually mean? Here is how the Hebrew People defined prayer at the time of Yeshuah:

The word “prayer” is a derivative of the Latin “precari”, which means “to beg”. The Hebrew equivalent “tefilah”, however, along with its root “pelel” or its reflexive “l’hitpallel”, means the act of self-analysis or self-evaluation.

We need to bring back the original meaning of the word prayer. It is a time of meditation and reflection. It is time for us to ask God what Their plan is for us. It is time for us to reflect upon what is expected of and from us.

Why don’t Ministers, Preachers, Priests and other Church officials tell us this? It has to be for selfish reasons. Because all Yeshuah told us was “Where two or more of you gather in my Name, I am with you.” When we pray, it is you and God talking directly with one another.

So what are the Big Lies of the organized Christianity?

  • Yeshuah (Jesus) was merely a carpenter. He was probably a carpenter. But carpenters were well educated back then.
  • Yeshuah was a virgin celibate. Not a chance. In order to preach in houses of worship one had to be married
  • Judas was an evil, despicable thief, liar, and betrayer. He was the only one Yeshuah could trust to carry out his mission on earth.
  • The Holy Grail is a drinking cup. The chalice was his wife who carried and gave birth to his blood line. That is the true Blood of Christ.
  • Prayer is the beseeching of God to help us in our physical life. Prayer is our internal reflection upon our lives and our relationship with Our God.
  • Mary of Magdala was of no consequence. Mary was the heir of the ministry of Yeshuah and the mother of his children.
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“On Earth As It Is In Heaven”

OR: What are we asking for when we make this request in the Lord’s Prayer?

How do we make Heaven on Earth two centuries and twenty years after Yeshuah walked in Israel? Let us take a look at the “sentiment” of “Black Lives Matter”. I am not talking about the BLM Movement Dot Org; that has hijacked the discussion with their rhetoric of hate, of racism towards Jews and Whites and of division and rancor.

In all honesty, most of the Blacks were begging for their little piece of “Heaven on Earth”, and their little piece of the American Dream. Many people, black, brown, white, Asian et al feel enslaved to the government of the United States of America. Since Lyndon Banes Johnson was President  D-TX (after the Republicans championed the 1964 Civil Rights Bill) the DICCs (Democrats in Conservative Clothing) and the Democrats have done everything they could and continue to attempt to have American Citizens sacrifice their freedoms and their souls on the Altar of the Democrat Party for “We’re the Government and We are Here To Help.” All they did was to steal from the elderly, rob those who provided jobs, threw up clapboard housing projects and kept all the profits to themselves. And, every four years they strut across the stage patting themselves on the back saying, “See What We Have Done For You. Aren’t We Wonderful!”; all the while they demonized anyone with another message, a message of true hope.

Those who the government (run under the Democrat Agenda) have enslaved, feel trapped and are willing to sacrifice their lives and livelihood to get their freedom and souls back.

I ask the question, “How many ‘Democrat Christians’ have actually dwelled upon this request to have Earth as it is in Heaven that they make to God every Sunday when they go to their ‘Churches’?” I quake when I think of the true number; my guess would be very few of them.

I am a Christian. A Christian not in the conventional way we think of Christianity. I am not a member of a specific Brand of Christianity. Do I believe in the teachings of Yeshuah of Galilee of the House of David? Yes I do with every fiber of my being and of my soul.

When Yeshuah was asked, “Rabbi, how do we pray?” He gave the world the Lord’s Prayer. When was the last time a Catholic, a Lutheran, a Baptist actually thought about what they were asking of God when they recite that prayer from memory in the twenty to thirty seconds it takes them to get the words out of their mouths? Am I condemning these Churches? One would guess that I am; but I am actually asking them to get back to what is important in Yeshuah’s message to the world.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but everyday I spend at least twenty minutes meditating with thoughtful and grateful insight as to what I am asking of God. My first thought is to honor my Father in Heaven(the Divine Masculine) as the great provider and by the time I get to the end I am asking for the healing and nurturing of my Mother in Heaven (the Divine Feminine) along with some sound motherly advise.

To all of my friends and all of the friend who I haven’t met yet, this is my desire for you. I don’t care if you are rich or you are poor. I don’t care if you believe as I or are of another faith. I want you to find your Heaven on Earth and for you to find your American Dream. I am not wealthy, far from it. I struggle with my faith as we all should (a good struggle brings answers). As for me, I have my piece of the American Dream. I have a family that loves me. I have some change left in my pocket at the end of the month. I am free to worship God in the many of my forefathers. I am free to speak my mind within restraints. I am free to travel where I want within the United States without asking the leave of another.

The pursuit of Heaven on Earth and the pursuit of the American Dream is what everyone wants. The journey it what makes it wonderful; because everyone has a destination of their own. Come with me and let’s all journey and make the United States a better place as we share our dreams.


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A Simple Message

OR: A Divine Message Of Awakening

Yeshuah of Galilee from the House of David, known to us as Jesus Christ and Mary of Magdala from the House of Benjamin, know to us as Mary Magdalene woke this author this morning at 0400 AM Central Time. He came in an aura of Royal Blue and She in an aura of Crimson Red; both surrounded by sea of bright white.

The dream seemed as real to me as my family is to me. Yeshuah touched my shoulder wakened me with these words:

My Message is and always has been very simple. That message is to love one another as I love you.

Stop the hatred. Stop the fighting. Stop the divisiveness. For, we are all the same under the eyes of God.

As they parted, they simply said that I was to get this message out to as many as I could.

From this Old Man, please pass this message around. It is long past the time to stop the hatred and animus. It is long past time to stop the hatred based on race, we all bleed Red. It is time to talk out our differences.

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In This Time Of Division, It Is Time To Find Jesus (Yeshuah)

OR: In the U.S. we are as divided as we have ever been since the Revolutionary War; and it will take Yeshuah to bring us back together.

I am not talking about the Jesus of Saul of Tarsus, better known as Paul in the Holy Bible. I am talking about the living, breathing Yeshuah. He, who walked the dust of Palestine preaching the Love of God as shown in the Gospels. And, that is not just the four Gospels found in the Holy Bible. I’m speaking of all the Gospels, The Gnostic Gospels, The Gospel of James, The Gospel of Mary of Magdalene in addition to those in the Bible.

The basic unit in Christianity is the Family. The family of father, mother and children. When one really studies the ministry of Yeshuah, you will find that his message included fathers and mothers equally; and then He had a special place for the children. Yeshuah tried to show that Our Family in Heaven was the same. Just as God (the marriage of El (the Divine Masculine) and Asherah (the Divine Feminine) loved our brother and Lord, Yeshuah unconditionally, they love we humans in just the same manner, unconditionally.

How many parables does one need to read, that shows that love, time and time again? Does this mean that there is perfect harmony within family units, far from it? Within every family unit there will come times of disagreement. Some of those disagreements can seem like huge fissures at times. Does that mean that family members begin to hate each other? The answer is no. That is unless, one of the family members lets it fester without resolution. That begets jealousy.

In the Family envisioned by Yeshuah, the father and the mother were equal partners. Does that mean that they are equals in abilities? That answer would be no, also. Men by stature are more physically imposing with large musculature and less nurturing. They are the provider. Women are less physically imposing with smaller musculature and more nurturing. The fact of being a mother, who has given birth is unique in the relationship. Who better to give comfort than the one you have known from time of conception?

You are by now asking, “What does that all have to do with politics in the United States?”

It has everything to do with politics within the United States. Yeshuah preached that we should have unconditional love for one another, as He loved us. Right now we are fractured.

The Constitutional Republic of the United States of America is about as perfect as we can form a government. The base, the foundation of this Republic is our contract with one another, the Constitution of the United States of America. It is the Rock of our society; without it we have mob rule or even worse, anarchy.

As humans, we are imperfect and flawed. As human and being imperfect, is our Republic perfect. That answer would be no, also. That is why we have Our Contract. It is a contract on how we can work out our differences among ourselves, openly and forthrightly.

Right now we have a faction, who have let jealousy rule their purpose and their being. It has festered into hatred and pure animus. We all need to step back to reassess our mutual goals and aspirations. Some of our brothers and sisters in our Republic have lost that unconditional love bound together by our love of freedom and our revered Bill of Rights.

We citizens of the United States of America are siblings in a family that is much larger than ourselves, designed to protect us, to nurture us, to show us how to provide for ourselves. We all have different skill sets that we bring to this large family. Those skills are what drives us. They are what allows us to reach the maximum of our potential.

Our Contract allows us to pursue happiness. It allows us to worship God in the manner of our choosing. It allows us to speak out our grievances with one another and our government. It allows us to protect ourselves and our families, with force if necessary. It encourages us to love one another, unconditionally. It does not guarantee success. It only guarantees that we have the opportunity to participate fairly.

It also does not mean that our government is going to be perfect at all times. It also, does not mean that those who we elect will be perfect, all the time. It does mean that we can strive for perfection. It does not mean that the words spoken by our Representatives will be perfect at all times. It does mean that we unite behind one voice when facing foreign governments, even when we may disagree with what is being said. Our remedy is not to just kick someone out of office because we disagree with them; that is what we have elections to remedy.

As for me, I am not a wealthy person by any means. That does not mean that I am not a happy person nor not happy with my life. Money and wealth are not my thing. I am comfortable in that category. I am happy because I have a strong willed, intelligent wife who loves me, and whom I love. I have children and grandchildren, who I love unconditionally. I have general good health. I have the freedom to live where I want, to travel where I want, to speak out against injustices when I want. And, I have a passion for writing. I love being able to smith words in a way that others can understand and learn from.

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There Needs To Be Balance In Life

Image result for images of lady justiceImage result for images of praying hands

Regardless of where we live, how we live or who we live with, there needs to be balance. I for one can really appreciate balance and how important it is. I have a condition of excess fluid in the middle ear that causes sudden onset vertigo. I never know when it is going to come on; but I can feel the beginning. Vertigo throws your whole body into a tail spin, you cannot stand, evacuating the stomach is common, ringing in the ears, unable to see clearly, etc. Using a balance of medicine and diet, I have found a way to keep these episodes to a minimum.

You are asking at this point, how does this relate to my life? Diet and medicine needs to be in balance. Your diet is what you allow into your life. Your medicine is where you go to minimize the effects on your life. Aye, That may sound simple; but it is far from being that easy. It is something that needs our daily attention.

For me, it is reading or letting The Word in, diet. It is also taking twenty minutes out of every day to meditate upon the Lord’s Prayer, medicine. Reading or letting in The Word is the easy part; but most Christian Churches do not teach their parishioners how to use the Lord’s Prayer every day. I have been to Episcopal, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Catholic, and Pentecostal Churches; not one of them ever spent more than sixty seconds of the Service on The Lord’s Prayer. Let’s put that in perspective; that is 1/86,400 of one day or 1/604,800 of one week that parishioners spend on the Lord’s Prayer.

In the Holy Bible, Luke chapter 11, verses 1 – 4 tells us how to speak to God. Yeshua gives only one way, the Lord’s Prayer; nothing else, zilch, nada, zero. So, why do we spend so little time talking about it; 60 seconds per week? It is because we do not have balance in our lives. We want the easy path to heaven; there is only one easy path and that does not lead to heaven. The path to Hell is paved with good intentions.

My twenty minutes per day is still a very small part of my day. However, it helps to keep me in balance. I believe in the Divine Feminine as well in the Divine Masculine; whose marriage is The One the True God. Remember in Genesis it is written about the coming of man (men and women); “We made them in Our Image.” That is all the explanation needed. To get balance in your life here are the links to my previous posts on how to pray:

Lord’s Prayer A Meditation – Introduction

Lord’s Prayer A Meditation – Petal One

Lord’s Prayer A Meditation – Petal Two

Lord’s Prayer A Meditation – Petal Three

Lord’s Prayer A Meditation – Petal Four

Lord’s Prayer A Meditation – Petal Five

Lord’s Prayer A Meditation – Petal Six

Get your spiritual house in balance and the rest will come.

The United States of America is a good example of a house being out of balance. Out of the last thirteen Presidents of the United States, only two have been Constitutional Conservatives; Reagan and Trump. The rest have been Liberal Democrats or Republicans In Name Only (RINO)    . That breaks down to ten years out of the last eighty-six years have the United States had a Constitutional Conservative at its helm. Just as in our personal lives, we need balance in our political lives as well. Gone are the days of huge empires, like the Roman Empire. We live in a more enlightened Era; or do we? Thanks to the Internet, the truth is finally coming out and it is setting the world on its proverbial ear.

There is a Revolution afoot around the globe. It is now coming to a head in Europe and this writer is afraid that it may not remain peaceful across the Pond. The same is happening in the United States and the Left is going nuts trying every trick and corrupt tool in their basket to keep power. But you cannot cheat history forever. It is time for the political pendulum to swing back to the Constitutional Conservatism that will preserve the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. It is being called the Red Wave and/or the Red Storm. There a lot of dedicated patriots around the world to keep the left from regaining full power. This is a struggle that is important; because there is an Islamic Jihad against Christian and Jewish countries. As Christians we need to remain steadfast and to make sure our governments remain steadfast that we are not turned into an Islamic Theocracy. Theocracies like Socialist Democracies do not work. Iran is a perfect example of it and her citizens are revolting.

I invite everyone to join in order to let us to keep the freedom to practice our Christianity. The alternative is not acceptable.

This is a dual posting with my sister Site: Old Man With A Pen


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